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Understanding notifications

Each notification contains a “state” that specifies which type of event triggered the notification.


State Description
assigned order has been assigned to the store
routed order was cancelled by another store, and was routed by Connected Retail to the current store
fulfilled order items were picked and completed in the Connected Retail tool. The order is ready to be shipped to the customer
cancelled all items of the order were cancelled by the store or by the technical support as requested by the store, and the order was cancelled for the customer who placed the order
returned some of/or all of the store fulfilled order items were returned by the customer who placed the order
zalando_warehouse_fulfilled order items were picked and completed by Zalando Fulfillment Solutions (ZFS). The order is ready to be shipped to the customer
zalando_warehouse_returned some of/or all of the ZFS fulfilled order items were returned by the customer who placed the order

State transitions

From To When
assigned store gets assigned the order by Connected Retail
assigned cancelled store cancels all the items in the order, order is cancelled for the customer who placed it or order is routed to a store
assigned fulfilled store picks at least a few items of the order and fulfills the order by shipping it to the customer
assigned routed store cancels all the items in the order, order is not cancelled for the customer who placed it, but is routed to another store
routed routed store cancels all the items in the order, order is not cancelled for the customer who placed it, but is routed to another store of the same client
routed cancelled store cancels all the items in the order, order is cancelled for the customer who placed it or order is routed to a store of another client
routed fulfilled store picks at least a few items of the order and fulfills the order by shipping it to the customer
fulfilled returned customer returns a few items of the store fulfilled order to the store or to zalando warehouse
returned returned customer returns a few items of the store fulfilled order to the store or to zalando warehouse
zalando_warehouse_fulfilled zalando_warehouse_returned customer returns a few items of the ZFS fulfilled order to zalando warehouse
zalando_warehouse_returned zalando_warehouse_returned customer returns a few items of the ZFS fulfilled order to zalando warehouse

Notification Structure

Order event is a JSON object with the following schema

Field Mandatory Type Description Example
event_id required string unique id of the event “782d1ec3-8441-44db-a081-76df6b2de18f”
order_id required string id of the order in Connected Retail “61e2d090-0d53-451f-9031-413559d34732”
order_number required string the number of the order in Connected Retail. This number is displayed in the Connected Retail tool app. 10105000000000
state required string one of “assigned” or “cancelled” or “fulfilled” or “routed” or “returned“ or “zalando_warehouse_fulfilled” or “zalando_warehouse_returned” “assigned”
store_id required for state “assigned”, “cancelled”, “fulfilled”, “routed” and “returned“; optional for state “zalando_warehouse_fulfilled” and “zalando_warehouse_returned” string store id provided in the FCI feed in the “store” column; for state “returned” items might be returned to a store different from the one that fulfilled the order; for state “zalando_warehouse_fulfilled” and “zalando_warehouse_returned”, it is omitted “11”
timestamp required string ISO 8061 timestamp “2020-01-28T07:41:23.384Z” or “2020-01-28T07:41:31Z”
delivery_details optional jsonObject delivery and return tracking information {delivery_tracking_number: "003404342888680268172", delivery_carrier_name: "DHL", return_tracking_number: "35141263178", return_carrier_name: "DHL}
customer_billing_address optional jsonObject name and billing address of the customer { "first_name": "Johann", "last_name": "Heinichen", "address_line_1": "Valeska-Gert-Straße 5", "zip_code": "10243", "city": "Berlin", "country_code": "DE" }
items required Array items that were affected by the state transition
  • for fulfilled order the list of items that were shipped excluding cancelled items
  • for cancelled order the list of items that were cancelled (i.e. all items of the order)
  • for routed order all items of the order
  • for assigned order all items of the order
  • for returned order the list of items that were returned at this particular moment by the customer
{ "item_id": "15c3aa83-3f73-4ad6-a326-e1a10a89dd52", "ean": "4059701022541", "price": 99.15, "currency": "EUR", "article_number": “31.832.34-6,5”, "zalando_article_number": “DU341A00M-1020375000”, "article_location": 213 }
cancelled_items optional Array items that were cancelled in the partially fulfilled order
  • will only contain cancelled items when a fulfilled order has both shipped and cancelled items
  • if all the items in the order were cancelled and order is cancelled, this field will be empty while cancelled items will be included in the "items" field instead
{ "item_id": "15c3aa83-3f73-4ad6-a326-e1a10a89dd52", "ean": "4059701022541", "price": 99.15, "currency": "EUR", "article_number": “31.832.34-6,5”, "zalando_article_number": “DU341A00M-1020375000”, "article_location": 213, "cancellation_reason": "OUT_OF_STOCK" }

Item has the following schema:

Field Mandatory Type Description Example
item_id required string id of the item in Connected Retail “15c3aa83-3f73-4ad6-a326-e1a10a89dd52”
ean required string EAN of the article “4059701022541”
price required number the price of the article 99.95 or 12
currency required string ISO-4217 currency code “EUR”
article_number required string article number (SKU) provided in the FCI feed in the “article_number” column “31.832.34-6,5”
zalando_article_number required string Zalando article identifier “DU341A00M-1020375000”
article_location optional string location of the article provided in the FCI feed (for example, the id of the “primary” department where article can be found in the store) “213”
return_reason_code optional number Reason number associated to return reason, description of code can be found in “Return Reason Code Description” section 1
return_location optional string The location of the item's return when the order was fulfilled by a store. If the item was returned to a store, the value is "STORE," and if it was returned to a Zalando warehouse, the value is "ZALANDO" STORE
cancellation_reason optional string The "Cancellation Reason Description" section contains the item's cancellation reason and a description of the values "OUT_OF_STOCK"

delivery_details has the following schema:

Field Mandatory Type Description Example
delivery_tracking_number optional string delivery tracking number “003404342888680268172”
delivery_carrier_name optional string delivery carrier name “DHL”
return_tracking_number optional string return tracking number "35141263178"
return_carrier_name optional string return carrier name “DHL”

customer_billing_address has the following schema:

Field Mandatory Type Description Example
first_name required string first name of the customer “Johann”
last_name required string last name of the customer “Heinichen”
address_line_1 required string first line of the billing address “Valeska-Gert-Straße 5“
address_line_2 optional string additional information about the billing address, e.g. NIP for Poland, More detailed description of address and addressee or additional instructions “NIP 1234567890“, “PL0123456789“, “Hinterhaus, 1. OG“, “At the mailboxes through the sliding door“
address_line_3 optional string further additional information about the billing address
zip_code required string billing address zip code “10243“
city required string billing address city “Berlin“
country_code required string billing address country code “DE“

Return Reason Code Description

Return Reason Code Reason
1 It doesn't suit me
2 Too big
3 Too small
4 Insufficient quality
5 Arrived too late
6 Not as expected
7 Incorrect article
8 Faulty
9 No reason available
10 Delivery failed
-1 Unknown reason

Cancellation Reason Description

Cancellation reason Description
"ITEM_BROKEN" Item is broken
"ITEM_MISSING" Item is in stock in the inventory system, but in fact it is missing in the store
"OUT_OF_STOCK" Item is not in stock in the inventory system
"UNKNOWN_REASON" Unknown reason

Returned item location

Locations Description
"STORE" Item was returned to store
"ZALANDO" Item was returned to Zalando warehouse. In this case the store_id in the event refers to the store that fulfilled the order